Functional Medicine Maui Logo

Diabetes Hypertension High Cholesterol

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The majority of “diagnosed” medical conditions affecting our population today are directly related to lifestyle choices and their effect on a person's health.

Mainstream medicine primarily treats the condition with prescriptive agents and does not address the underlying contributing factors.

At Functional Medicine Maui Dr Rick Anderson utilizes in depth lab evaluations and dietary assessments to get at the root cause of the condition and develop a personalized targeted approach to correct the imbalances.

Almost one-third of the population is said to have some type of diabetes, with a new diagnosis being made every 19 seconds, equating to almost 5,000 new diagnoses a day.

If you're ready to try a natural solution to your health issues, Functional Medicine Maui serving Kahului, HI is ready to help you. Give us a call today at (808) 495-5767 to make an appointment.


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